Wednesday, December 23, 2015

                                                                        Happy December!

   Hello all! I hope you are all enjoying this time of year. Food, family, and more food are a big part of the celebrations and parties this month for some of us. All I keep doing is asking myself why in the Hell I thought re-joining Weight Watchers before the holidays was a good idea. All of our salesmen at work think bringing us chocolate covered pretzels and cookies is a good idea. Then my wonderful friend Jan shows up with her home-made fudge- this is the creamiest fudge on the planet! And bless my sister’s heart, here she is sending her yearly package of chocolate treats. God help me! So far I have not gained this week, but I still have 3 days to go before weigh in. We shall see!
     This time of year brings back many wonderful memories of Christmas seasons gone by. I remember the year I got my denim-looking 10 speed bike- best Christmas EVER! I also remember going to our little church for Christmas Eve services at midnight, the wonderful family dinners, and that round Santa light thing that my dad used to plug into the porch light. Wish I still had that little gem!

    The one thing about Christmas is that I do not remember ever believing in Santa- cue the violins now, please. According to the family legend, many years before I hit the scene, my one sister got up one morning on a Christmas Day before everyone else and opened all of the presents. After that all of the presents all got opened Christmas Eve. Explain the whole Santa down the chimney thing on Christmas Eve now, mom. That and the fact that our fire places had been closed off for many years.

    I  remember taking long walks in the snow at night- it was so quiet and beautiful (one of the perks of living in a tiny town- all I hear where I live now is car traffic and many sirens). If I was lucky my dad would have the day off of his construction job and he would let me go with him on the snow plow. Now that was kick ass! I felt so cool being so high above the cars on the road. There was this one time , at band camp however, he was trying to help a family that lived at the bottom of a very steep hill and we almost did not make it back out. But I never thought we wouldn’t- I trusted him completely and he got us back up that hill just fine.

     I so enjoyed Christmas when my kids were younger- the excitement, the fun, the surprises. Now that they are grown it has lost a lot of the magic. I rarely put a tree and/or lights up- I admit it I am a Grinch. Someday if I am lucky enough to be a grandparent I will get back into it again. But for now my heart is still 10 sizes too small.

   So my dear readers, if you celebrate any holidays or if you don’t, have a very wonderful rest of the year. I hope to be better at getting blog posts up next year. This thing called life sure gets in the way of my fun sometimes!


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