Saturday, January 4, 2014

                         I don’t claim to be perfect, but geez-

Have you ever been working on a project and have to re-do so many things that you wonder why you ever became a quilter? Sometimes I have to ask myself why the hell I even bother.  These are the things that can be heard from my sewing area-“ Where  is that stinking seam ripper?” “ George - (the one cat) quit playing with my darn spools of thread!” What on earth is going on with my TENSION! I just had this damn machine serviced!”  The last one is always operator error as I have awesome sewing machine repair people! But I digress-
Here is one of those projects. While it looks good now, it had me in tears at points. If you are not familiar with this technique, you start by sewing squares together into a top. Then you cut the top using this awesome Twister ruler, then sew the parts back together.
First- why did I use the smallest ruler for my first project? I guess I am a glutton for punishment. The second thing I did was to sew the top together wrong. I have no idea how I did that. I guess I cannot follow instructions- instructions, I might add, that were very clear.  I decided to move on and just make the top the way I had sewed it. I proceeded to start cutting out all of my parts using that nifty template. I had them all laid out all nice and neat on my kitchen counter, when my dumbass son walked in and threw his stuff on top of the parts. Little pieces went flying everywhere.  It looked like a fricking tornado blew through the kitchen There was no way I was going to be able to re-assemble all of the pieces. So, I went and had a good cry and went back to the LQS and bought another charm pack. This is the result. This quilt finished at 10” square. I am insane-


I admit I did learn a few things along the way with this project.
1.       Don’t start small.
2.       Do not cut all of the Twister pieces out at one time. Only cut one row at a time. I then sew this row together, then I move on to cut the next row.  This way, if some dorky kid comes in and throws his stuff all over the pieces can be put back together easily.
3.       Sometimes a good cry and chocolate makes everything better. A cuddling with my dogs and hubby doesn’t hurt eitherJ
Keep quilting my dear friends- and always keep a supply of your favorite candy by your machine in case of emergenciesJ

Happy Sewing!


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