Wednesday, January 8, 2014



If you are like me, you generally hate to go to home demo parties, but you usually go because you have been invited by a friend, and you either want to support them in their endeavors or you know there will be good food and alcoholic beverages there.

Over the years I have attended parties for candles, jewelry, makeup, wine, adult toys, cook ware, crafts, drug paraphernalia and many more. The parties have ranged from being much fun to outright crimes. Seriously, I attended a candle party where the party hostess pocketed the money and never delivered the candles to anyone. And the candle company refused to do anything, basically telling me that if I was dumb enough to attend one of their parties I deserved to get ripped off. But I digress.

I was recently invited by a dear friend to attend a NORWEX party. In case you don’t know, NORWEX is a company that manufactures environmentally friendly cleaning products. I had previously heard of NORWEX from the owners of the Dude Ranch where we hold one of our annual quilting retreats. One of the owners- Karen- swears by NORWEX.

As I knew this particular party would have excellent food and vast quantities of Sangria, I decided to attend. I was nursing my fourth or fifth Sangria, okay, maybe it was the sixth, and was politely watching the demonstrations, I heard the presenter say that the typical NORWEX user will save over $600 per year on the purchase of cleaning supplies. Now this caught my attention. I was thinking “HOLY CRAP! That would be another $600 I can spend on fabric!”

I quickly downed what was left of the fourth, fifth, or sixth Sangria and began to pay attention in earnest. I learned that by using two basic NORWEX cloths – one to wash (only using water) and one to dry – I would no longer need to buy window cleaners or furniture polish. I learned how their anti bacterial cloth would clean my counters and I would never have to buy abrasive cleansers anymore. I learned how two little rubber balls in my dryer would not only cut down on drying time but would eliminate the need for fabric softeners or dryer sheets. In my mind, I was already shopping for new fabric!

I must admit I was impressed by how clean the various demonstrations got everything.  I particularly liked the idea that all of the products were environmentally friendly.  And, I especially liked the idea of having the extra $600 a year to spend on fabric.

I not only decided to start using NORWEX products, I signed up right then and there to become a NORWEX consultant. When I got home and excitedly told my wonderful, adorable, handsome, and generally supportive husband, he immediately asked “Just how the hell many Sangrias did you have?”

He became more supportive as I showed him the products that I had purchased and shared the information on how environmentally friendly everything was. Then I told him about how much money we would be saving every year. I could see his wheels spinning. I didn’t tell him that I had already earmarked the savings for fabric.

After having used NORWEX products for several months now, I must admit I am very pleased. Our windows and glass patio doors have never been so clean. I laugh every time one of the wiener dogs makes a dash to go outside only to bang their little head on the sparkling clean glass. The dryer balls work like a charm. I have been totally pleased with every product that I have tried. And, I have found that using NORWEX products cuts down on the time I had previously spent on cleaning thus giving me more time to sew! Definitely a win-win proposition.

 If you are interested in getting more money to spend on fabric, along with more free time to sew, I would be happy to introduce you to NORWEX.  If you would like I could send you a catalogue. Just drop me an email or comment with your address. Or, you can go directly to my NORWEX website by using the following link:

Happy Cleaning, Sewing and Fabric Shopping!

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