Thursday, January 30, 2014

                  My Swoon is done- my Swoon is done!
I actually had a productive weekend. After a drive with my hubby to an antique mall north of town, we stopped for a snack- which you all have seen. Pictured below again so you can all drool:

When I got home, I am sure the sugar rush had everything to do with the fact that I finished my swoon quilt.  It was great fun- and I must say I would make another one. The directions were great-and the yardage was correct. Too bad it took me 8 blocks to get brave enough to chain piece the blocks. Oh well, now I know for next time. Here it is- sorry for the photo-my living room is just too small- or we have too much furniture-

When I got up on Sunday I had a plan to piece the backing for the Pepsi quilt and run up to my office to baste it. Then, I would get started on a few cute little zippered bags for some friends. Here are the fabrics I am going to use for the bags-I love this fabric! It is a line from Moda called Bobbins and Bits by Pat Sloan.

Then I received a phone call. Someone had asked if I could go to Ft. Collins to teach a mystery quilt class. I thought- why not? It would be fun and I love to teach. The very sweet lady called me back Sunday morning and we talked about when I would be available. Without much thought one of the weekends I told her would work was this coming weekend. After I got off of the phone I realized I had not made the damn sample yet! YIKES! As my class was not scheduled for a month or so at the quilt shop I figured I had a few weeks to mess around. BUT NO! Thank goodness I had already purchased the fabric. Actually, I had purchased fabric to make 2 different versions.  Now, if push came to shove, I may have been ok not making the sample ahead, but I really hate to do that. I like to make sure there are no errors in yardage or cutting. I also think it is only fair for them to have a finished quilt to look at. So, my Sunday plans changed at that minute. I got the fabric out. I actually knew where it was- big shocker I know-and got to cutting.
After a quick run to the grocery store (had to have a red velvet cupcake-for energy LOL) I started to piece. It only took me 4 hours total- not too bad. It had 3 borders to put on which I HATE to do but it is a smaller quilt and wasn’t too bad. I got it done just in time to watch Shameless! I would show you a picture but then I would ruin the surprise for readers that may be taking the class-but here is a sneak peak though-
So, my cute little bags got put on hold. Maybe next weekend. Hopefully I will get the Pepsi quilt basted one day this week after work, so I will have to work on that this weekend as well.  But that is only if I don’t end up teaching-so we shall see!
Happy Sewing!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

                I AM A BUNNY KILLER
              -but now so is someone else-


What a Monday. I had some weird dreams and ended up waking up in a bad mood. Then, of course, to add to that the roads were a bit snow covered. I was taking my time on my way to work- not speeding but driving to keep up with others when cars began passing our line of cars on our right. I was hoping to see those asses in the ditch ahead- to no avail. As I turned to drive down a big steep hill my car began to slide. I did get it under control, threw it into 2nd gear and proceeded down the hill. Then, some idiot in a truck flew by me in a no passing zone. Needless to say I was a tad frazzled. When I got to the bottom of the hill, a small little bunny headed right out into the road. With nowhere to go I hit him. DEAD.  SPLAT. NO MORE BUNNY. I immediately burst into a crying fit. Now, I know many bunnies get hit. I know all about natural selection, the circle of life, and what pests these critters can be. But, having owned a pet bunny many years ago and being an animal lover in general I never want to be responsible for ending a critter’s life. Even a dumb little rabbit.  I pulled into the parking lot at work, tried to gather myself together, blew my nose on my mittens (not really I just said that for dramatic effect) and headed into work.
Now, I am flashing back to my childhood. I am remembering my mother cooking rabbit for dinner one time. If it was more than one time I must have blocked it out. One of my friends had a pet rabbit, and she was actually there for dinner. I think my parents were just evil. I was not allowed to tell her what we were having, and honestly I don’t think I did. I don’t remember what it tasted like or even if I liked it. I also remember my dad bringing me home bunny tails, but I never really thought about how he got those tails. NEVER MADE THE CONNECTION.  And now you are all thinking- how stupid is this woman and how can she even function as an adult? SCARY, isn’t it?
Anyhow, after a few hours my day at work proceeded to get worse.  I was finding mistakes I made in orders that I had processed a few weeks ago and was feeling pretty useless. Then it was time to go home. Thank goodness! I go out to leave and my car doors were frozen shut. REALLY?? I finally pry the damn doors open and start my car. I head up the road. It is a SHEET of ice! My car is small, and though it has good tires it was no match for the roads. I turned around and headed back to work. Yes, back to work. The same place I really wanted to leave! I thought I would just wait a few hours and let the sand trucks do their job. Then, even though I screwed up all day, my awesome bosses offered to take me home in their Jeep. So, off we went.  My normally 20 minute drive took us about an hour, but we made it just fine. I got home, had dinner- thank you honey for the yummy dinner- curled up on the couch with the dogs and under quilts and there I stayed. If my fricking bottle of wine hadn’t spilled in the fridge a few weeks ago I would have had some of that. I wonder why I didn’t put a stopper on the bottle?  Again, how do I even function?
Fast forward to this morning. Bob brings me to work-roads are fine-thank you honey- and after he drops me off he texts me. He asks if I saw these tracks in the snow-

Which led me to see these tracks-

Then this combo of tracks.

GREAT! Now Wile E. Coyote had dinner last night, too.


I think it is time for a beer-and yes, it is only 8am. But I think I have heard some awesome cowboy sing something to the effect that it is 5 o’clock somewhere. If my dad had not had a heart attack after drinking 5 gallons of Bloody Mary’s one Christmas I would have one of those. (It didn’t kill him, but put him in the hospital. Boy, was my mom pissed). Think I will stick to beer-
Stay warm and sew on my friends!



Monday, January 27, 2014


Repeat after me: Me name is __________________. I am a quilting addict.

Just as in AA, many would say that this is the first step in admitting to and dealing with our quilting addiction. I say that this is just the first step to getting your husband to become a well trained enabler who will support your addiction and who will help you obtain an even greater sewing experience.

In a short while, in your husband’s eyes, you will have become the perfect wife. In a few easy lessons I will show you how to train your husband to not only accept your addiction, but to become a willing and supportive participant.

Keep coming back to Chip and Dale Designs and learn how to use your quilting addiction to mold your husband into becoming that perfect enabler.
Happy Sewing!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A world famous cinnamon roll from Johnson's Corner, CO complete with Denver Bronco's cream cheese icing.

Friday, January 24, 2014

                                To Pre- Wash  or Not - that is the question!

I used to be a “throw it in the washer after the quilt is done and bound gal” – UNTIL.  I made an adorable Eat Cake Graphics quilt called Furry Sweetness. The pattern can be found here-
I finally got it done, threw it in the washer and when it came out I realized I had used a hand dyed brown in one of the kitties that I had not pre washed and it bled. Not bad, mind you, but enough for me to notice. And every time I look at that quilt my eye goes right to that spot. Of course no one else even notices- but I see it.

So after that little adventure I became a pre washer. Usually I just throw my yardage in the washer with some Synthropol. I then fold it in a neat little pile until I decide to use it for something.  Usually it sits on top of the dryer J. This actually drives me batty because on the VERY rare occasion I am actually pulling crap out of the dryer I usually end up grabbing fabric along with my clothes to put away. Guess I better check my undies drawer for that missing fat quarter I lost last week!

Then another issue arrives when I use precuts- whether it is strips, charm packs, layer cakes, etc. I feel pretty comfortable knowing these probably won’t bleed. And I do wash the finished item with a dye magnet. But- if I am doing a table runner sometimes I don’t want that crinkled look of the quilt when the fabric has not been pre washed.

I have also been told that before fabric is shipped from overseas that the container is sprayed with stuff to keep the fabric from getting buggy on the journey.  I have not had any physical problems with the chemicals on the fabric from the spraying (that I know of) but I would guess it could certainly bother some people.  This was told to me a few years ago so things may have changed since then, but since I am out of the loop now (meaning not going to quilt market L) I cannot confirm this.

I do spray starch my fabric right before I am going to use it-and I am not stingy! This helps get the feel of the fabric back to when it came off of the bolt. This also helps the fabric behave, in my opinion. And since I tend not be a gentle person with my fabric this is my saving grace. I should have bought stock in starch years ago. I did not even know what starch was before I started quilting. I just use the cheapest stuff I can get. I love the different smells of Mary Ellen’s Best Press but it is a tad too pricey for this starch whore.

Funny story about the above shirt-

One of my quilting buddies uses more starch than anyone I know.  Her quilts always come out perfect and beautiful. She is the one who got me so hooked on starch. Every fall a few of us quilting junkies go to a quilt retreat at a dude ranch where I used to work. We decided a few years ago we needed to have shirts made each year for our little group. One of my other quilting buddies is an amazing graphic designer and came up with this t shirt design.  We all got a good laugh out of it- and the poor wranglers that had to serve us at dinner and put up with all of our naughtiness got a kick out of the shirts as well. (They also looked at us funny when we were discussing the giant beaver on the wall while having our wine and beergaritas at dinner- you had to be there). I believe they all got good tips that year!
Anyway- do you pre wash?  If you do- why or why not?  I would love to hear your thoughts!
Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Our good friend Chris Grey now has an online Craftsy class: Commercial Photography. In this class Chris shows you how to hone your photography skills and make money in the process. Chris is an internationally known photographer. He has published numerous books on photography and lighting. He has also written several novels, the latest being The Plumber, The Nun and the Jewel which can be found on Amazon.
Chris and my wonderful, adorable, handsome husband are collaborating on a book about their experiences growing up in a Catholic High School. I don't know if I have ever laughed as hard as I did the night Chris and Bob regaled me with stories from their high school days. Ridgemont High and American Pie have nothing on these guys.
Anyway, if you are at all interested in photography, you can check out Chris' class by clicking on the link on the right side of this page.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I have heard from a number of you that you have tried to leave comments and were unable to do so, even when I asked you to leave a comment. Well, we think we have solved the technical problem that was causing this. And no, it was not a filter screening out all of the insults that you were directing towards me!

So, my friends, please feel free to praise me, worship me, insult me, make fun of me, mock me, ridicule me or whatever else lights your fire. You can go back to older posts and catch up on your insults! Just hop right on in and enjoy the fun!

Click on the Comments or No Comments link. Type in Your comment. In the drop down menu select anonymous. Then click publish. That should do it!!

Happy Sewing!



Monday, January 20, 2014

HI everyone! Follow the link below to receive 25% off of your Lone Star class! Feel free to share with your friends - enjoy! And thank you!

                           THE FEATHERWEIGHT

I have received several inquiries on the blue Featherweight Singer sewing machine that is seen on the set of my Craftsy on-line Luminous Lonestar class. It is in mint condition and of a color not seen on any other. Well, here’s the story:

You can imagine my surprise and joy that wintry Christmas morning when I awoke to find a Featherweight sewing machine under the Christmas tree. My wonderful, adorable, handsome husband was as equally surprised to find that he had bought me such a wonderful and thoughtful gift. Bless his heart!

As with most quilters, I am in love with featherweights. I have heard so many stories about how perfect they were for taking to a class or quilting retreat because they were so portable. I have also heard how they make such a perfect ¼” seam allowance. When we are driving around my wonderful, adorable, handsome husband always stops by antique shops and he keeps his eye out for that very recognizable case. We have found many, but all were totally out of my price range – remember I am cheap! He bought me quite a few toy sewing machines to keep me happy in the interim. That will be the topic of another post one of these days.

The machine was complete with case, foot pedal, and bunches of attachments. The machine had been well taken care of, but it was also well used, with dings and scratches, and much of the detailing had long since worn away. Nonetheless, I was thrilled with this delightful gift from my husband. (Teehee!)

Did you know you can get on the Internet, and by using your Featherweight’s serial number, you can find when and where your machine was born? While doing this research, I also found a place where I could order all of the stenciling, scrolls, scrawls, and emblems that are found on originals.

Later that night, after I had finished properly thanking my husband for such a thoughtful gift as only a wife or hooker can, I woke him up and mentioned finding the decal place. Again, Mr. Wonderful surprised me with an even better idea!

The next day he called an acquaintance who owns an auto body repair shop. He asked if they would consider doing a body job on a sewing machine. After Mike, the owner, determined that my husband was neither drunk nor on drugs, he told him, sure, to bring the machine in and he would take a look at it.

So off we went to Karas Auto Body. Mike examined the little machine and said he was sure he could get it looking as good as new. After some back and forth with myself, I asked if we could do a color something other than black. “Of course we can,” Mike said. “What color would you like?”

Now I had no idea that there were so many colors and shades to choose from. And not just the typical blacks, whites, reds, green, silver and blues that you see on the cars that you flip off while driving on the Interstate. I must have looked at thousands of colors, shades, tints and hues. There must be as many colors for cars as there are colors of threads! And that is in the tens of thousands of thread colors. I know, I have all of them.

After much deliberation and arguing with myself I decided on a color. I asked my husband his opinion and he appropriately answered that it looks great, which is the same answer he always gives when I ask him if a particular dress makes my ass look big. And so, my machine would become the only Bimini Blue Featherweight in existence.

I told Mike that I would go ahead and order the decals. And after a little more discussion, I managed to talk Mike out of the racing stripes and flames that he wanted to add and he set out disassembling the Featherweight.

Several weeks later, I picked up the wonderful Bimini Blue Featherweight that you see in the Craftsy class. Now you know the rest of the story about my Bimini Blue featherweight.


Then, I made a quilt for a wonderful friend and she gave me this little lovely as a thank you. This one runs even better than the blue one- I just love it! It didn’t come with a power cord but I can use the same cord from my other one- that works out great! It saved me from having to buy another cord. The beauty about these little machines is lack of computer stuff, so taking them apart is not too scary. I got my trusty manual out, took the machine apart, oiled it where it needed to be oiled and even put a new belt on it. I am not going to touch this one with paint- it is beautiful the way it is. This color is pretty rare. I am so grateful to Sharyl for giving me this one. She rocks!

I wish I had room to keep them all set up and just turn my chair around and sew on whichever one I am in the mood to use. Someday when I kick my son’s butt out I will have the space. Until then I am forced to just have one machine set up at a time, but I am lucky to be able to that! God love my family- they don’t ever complain about not having a dining room table, or a dining room at all- as it is my sewing area. My iron is set up all of the time- and I love it. It does force me to keep the sewing area neat- neater than when I had a room with a door that would close. I was a whole lot messier then!

If you have a Featherweight and a favorite color all you have to do is contact Mike Karas at Karas Auto Body in Thornton, Colorado. Mike can turn your Featherweight into a one of a kind machine, one that will make you the envy of everyone in your quilt guild. You can call Mike at 303-287-2273. Or better yet, e-mail him a picture of your machine at Tell him that you were referred by Courtenay, the sewing machine lady, also known as the lady with the 2003 Pontiac Sunfire that he recently repaired. (But that is a whole ‘nother story!) A word of caution though, he will want to put racing stripes and flames on your Featherweight making it look more like a NASCAR racing machine than a sewing machine. You might have to rein him in a little bit.

Well, that is my Featherweight story- do you have a Featherweight and/or a Featherweight story?

Finally, if you are interested in my Luminous Lonestar on line quilting class, you can find it at Use this code for a discounted price!!

Happy sewing!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

                                                  WORKS IN PROGRESS

Can I have any more projects going?  I am finally quilting this top-it is by Bunny Hill called A Tisket A Tasket.  It is one of my first hand applique projects.



You can find the pattern here-

I also just started my Swoon quilt- using these fabrics-and others of course.


Here is my first block-


That pattern can be found here-

I just got finished piecing this fun Pepsi top. I was given these fabrics to make a top. Now I just need backing and binding to finish it up.

And, I needed a hand quilting project because I couldn’t find my double wedding ring, so I grabbed this little quilt. I am not very good at hand quilting but love doing it. I think the fact that I spray basted it is not helping the needle go through the fabric. I was planning on machine quilting it originally, hence the spray baste. Oh well, it has been a great project to do at night while watching my favorite shows- Hawaii Five-0, Criminal Minds, Shameless, etc.

Of course I have about a thousand other things going but thought I would just show you the most recent ones.
What are you working on?
Sew on my friends-
Happy Sewing!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014



This recipe is one of the steps you must take in molding your family into becoming enablers for your quilting addiction.
One evening send your husband and kids to the grocery store. Tell them you will be making them a scrumptious dinner tomorrow but need their help since you will be busy in the kitchen all day. Give them the following list:

            1 Lbs. Ground Beef – extra lean
            1 Lbs. Ground Italian Sausage - mild
2 boxes of Lasagna noodles – not the no cook kind. You want the old boil style because they are so much better. Yes, you know it is more work, but nothing but the best for your family!
16 Oz. Sour Cream
12. Oz. Ricotta Cheese
1 Lbs. butter - salted
1 Jar Each: Oregano, Basil, Garlic Salt, Italian Seasoning (Now you probably already have these spices in hand, but have the family get more. You will soon see why.)
3 large ripe tomatoes
1 bag frozen pearl onions
1 each red and green pepper
6 apples
1 Loaf of French bread
1 disposable aluminum baking dish 9” x 13”


When the family gets home, arrange the non-perishable items on the counter. Put the rest in the fridge. The next morning make a big deal out of the fact that you will be spending all day in the hot kitchen slaving away while preparing a delicious home cooked meal for your family. Nothing but the best for them!
Now, as soon as your husband has left for work and the kids have headed to school, take the loaf of French bread and crumble it up into tiny pieces. Scatter the bread crumbs in a far corner of your yard for the birds. Put the hamburger, Italian sausage and the frozen pearl onions in the freezer. Put the butter in the fridge for the popcorn you make to munch on while sewing. Set the six apples aside. Put the tomatoes in the vegetable crisper.  Put everything else back into the grocery bags.
Now take everything that you have bagged up back to the grocery store and get your money back. That is why you needed all the new jars of seasonings!  With your returned cash in hand, go to the frozen food aisle and buy a 9” x 13” prepackaged frozen lasagna. Also grab a frozen apple pie and a frozen loaf of garlic bread. Then go buy an apple pie scented candle.
After you pay for all of this with your refunded money, you should still have enough change left over to buy several yards of fabric, a few spools of thread, some fat quarters and a bottle of wine! Now, go home and sew to your heart’s content.
About two hours before the family starts to arrive home, pre-heat the oven and bake the lasagna and apple pie according to the directions. Make sure you destroy and dispose of the boxes they came in. About a half hour before the family gets home, light the apple pie scented candle (I keep writing various candle companies asking them to make a lasagna scented candle, but no luck yet.) and turn the heat up on the furnace as high as it will go. Fifteen minutes before anyone gets home, put the frozen garlic bread in the oven, again destroying the package.
About 5 minutes before anyone gets home, turn the furnace back down to its normal setting, splash a little water on your face and under your arms. Put some pots and pans in the dishwasher and fire it up.
Your family will arrive home finding you sweating away in a hot kitchen. The house will be very hot from your slaving at the stove all day. But, the aroma of a fresh baked apple pie will let your family know how much you care about them. The hum of the dishwasher will reinforce the notion of how hard you have worked all day.
Ask the kids to set the table and serve up the “homemade” lasagna and the garlic bread. Save the apple pie for dessert.
When the family begins to thank you profusely, mention that you do need a few things from the quilt shop and give them the list.

The end result of your well executed plan will be that you will have earned the undying gratitude of your family. They will get you the things on your quilt shop shopping list. You have some extra money to spend on thread, fabric, wine, etc. You have hamburger and Italian sausage in the freezer for a future meal, apples to munch on while sewing, tomatoes for Bloody Marys’ and pearl onions for your martinis!

Happy sewing! (And cooking.)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014



If you are like me, you generally hate to go to home demo parties, but you usually go because you have been invited by a friend, and you either want to support them in their endeavors or you know there will be good food and alcoholic beverages there.

Over the years I have attended parties for candles, jewelry, makeup, wine, adult toys, cook ware, crafts, drug paraphernalia and many more. The parties have ranged from being much fun to outright crimes. Seriously, I attended a candle party where the party hostess pocketed the money and never delivered the candles to anyone. And the candle company refused to do anything, basically telling me that if I was dumb enough to attend one of their parties I deserved to get ripped off. But I digress.

I was recently invited by a dear friend to attend a NORWEX party. In case you don’t know, NORWEX is a company that manufactures environmentally friendly cleaning products. I had previously heard of NORWEX from the owners of the Dude Ranch where we hold one of our annual quilting retreats. One of the owners- Karen- swears by NORWEX.

As I knew this particular party would have excellent food and vast quantities of Sangria, I decided to attend. I was nursing my fourth or fifth Sangria, okay, maybe it was the sixth, and was politely watching the demonstrations, I heard the presenter say that the typical NORWEX user will save over $600 per year on the purchase of cleaning supplies. Now this caught my attention. I was thinking “HOLY CRAP! That would be another $600 I can spend on fabric!”

I quickly downed what was left of the fourth, fifth, or sixth Sangria and began to pay attention in earnest. I learned that by using two basic NORWEX cloths – one to wash (only using water) and one to dry – I would no longer need to buy window cleaners or furniture polish. I learned how their anti bacterial cloth would clean my counters and I would never have to buy abrasive cleansers anymore. I learned how two little rubber balls in my dryer would not only cut down on drying time but would eliminate the need for fabric softeners or dryer sheets. In my mind, I was already shopping for new fabric!

I must admit I was impressed by how clean the various demonstrations got everything.  I particularly liked the idea that all of the products were environmentally friendly.  And, I especially liked the idea of having the extra $600 a year to spend on fabric.

I not only decided to start using NORWEX products, I signed up right then and there to become a NORWEX consultant. When I got home and excitedly told my wonderful, adorable, handsome, and generally supportive husband, he immediately asked “Just how the hell many Sangrias did you have?”

He became more supportive as I showed him the products that I had purchased and shared the information on how environmentally friendly everything was. Then I told him about how much money we would be saving every year. I could see his wheels spinning. I didn’t tell him that I had already earmarked the savings for fabric.

After having used NORWEX products for several months now, I must admit I am very pleased. Our windows and glass patio doors have never been so clean. I laugh every time one of the wiener dogs makes a dash to go outside only to bang their little head on the sparkling clean glass. The dryer balls work like a charm. I have been totally pleased with every product that I have tried. And, I have found that using NORWEX products cuts down on the time I had previously spent on cleaning thus giving me more time to sew! Definitely a win-win proposition.

 If you are interested in getting more money to spend on fabric, along with more free time to sew, I would be happy to introduce you to NORWEX.  If you would like I could send you a catalogue. Just drop me an email or comment with your address. Or, you can go directly to my NORWEX website by using the following link:

Happy Cleaning, Sewing and Fabric Shopping!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

                                                     Yes, now I look like Elvira

Not that I have anything against Elvira, it is just that very dark hair looks a tad severe on me.  It all started because I am just too thrifty (insert CHEAP here) to spend $100 for a dye job.  I keep my hair fairly short and it just seems like a rip-off.  So-imagine my elation last night when I found hair dye for $3.00 a box! I loaded up- ok, I only got 3 boxes, but that will last me 6 months. The chick on the box had this great dark auburn hair color- which I love. I was so excited I went right home, ripped open one of the boxes and got started.  45 minutes later when I was drying my hair I thought holy crap- what have I done? Oh well, not much I can do. I am not re dying it-too much trouble. And, it didn’t even color all of the grey by my ears, even though I paid special attention to that area and made sure I loaded it up with color. Maybe I need to let go and just let my hair be the color it wants to be. Where is my wine??


Saturday, January 4, 2014

                         I don’t claim to be perfect, but geez-

Have you ever been working on a project and have to re-do so many things that you wonder why you ever became a quilter? Sometimes I have to ask myself why the hell I even bother.  These are the things that can be heard from my sewing area-“ Where  is that stinking seam ripper?” “ George - (the one cat) quit playing with my darn spools of thread!” What on earth is going on with my TENSION! I just had this damn machine serviced!”  The last one is always operator error as I have awesome sewing machine repair people! But I digress-
Here is one of those projects. While it looks good now, it had me in tears at points. If you are not familiar with this technique, you start by sewing squares together into a top. Then you cut the top using this awesome Twister ruler, then sew the parts back together.
First- why did I use the smallest ruler for my first project? I guess I am a glutton for punishment. The second thing I did was to sew the top together wrong. I have no idea how I did that. I guess I cannot follow instructions- instructions, I might add, that were very clear.  I decided to move on and just make the top the way I had sewed it. I proceeded to start cutting out all of my parts using that nifty template. I had them all laid out all nice and neat on my kitchen counter, when my dumbass son walked in and threw his stuff on top of the parts. Little pieces went flying everywhere.  It looked like a fricking tornado blew through the kitchen There was no way I was going to be able to re-assemble all of the pieces. So, I went and had a good cry and went back to the LQS and bought another charm pack. This is the result. This quilt finished at 10” square. I am insane-


I admit I did learn a few things along the way with this project.
1.       Don’t start small.
2.       Do not cut all of the Twister pieces out at one time. Only cut one row at a time. I then sew this row together, then I move on to cut the next row.  This way, if some dorky kid comes in and throws his stuff all over the pieces can be put back together easily.
3.       Sometimes a good cry and chocolate makes everything better. A cuddling with my dogs and hubby doesn’t hurt eitherJ
Keep quilting my dear friends- and always keep a supply of your favorite candy by your machine in case of emergenciesJ

Happy Sewing!
